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The DC 37 Asian Heritage Committee celebration in May.
The DC 37 Asian Heritage Committee celebration in May.

Asian Heritage

Maf Misbah Uddin
President, Local 1407

Meetings scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month.

Major event in May

Mission Statement
In recognition of the importance of Asian Pacific Americans within the work force and within the labor movement, the DC 37 Asian Heritage Committee works to unite union members, and to bring to their attention the needs and concerns of Asian Pacific American Workers.

The primary aims and objectives of this committee are to:

  • Educate Asian Pacific American members about labor unions and the principals of trade unionism, as well as to provide a vehicle
    for the particular concerns of Asian Pacific American members.
  • Promote, support and assist in the participation of Asian Pacific American members within their local unions.
  • Promote political education and voter registration programs among Asian Pacific American members.
  • Promote the training, empowerment and leadership of Asian Pacific American members within the labor movement.
  • Develop ties with other DC 37 constituent committees to promote harmony to gain a better understanding of the cultural differences.