The official publication of District Council 37. Click the links below to view articles in the latest edition.
Dec 2017
PEP Articles on the DC 37 Blog
- Building Political Power
- Communities and Unions
- The Worldwide Need to Support Municipal Workers
- Building Stronger Unions, Building Stronger Communities
- New Agreement on Career Advancement
- Union and City Start Contract Talks
- DC 37 Activists Help Re-elect de Blasio and Defeat the Constitutional Convention
DC 37 News
- Union, city start up contract talks
- Court workers win upgrades and salary increases
- Union supports legislation in response to court case
- Delegates elect three local presidents for executive board seats
- Members defeat convention, help re-elect de Blasio
- Activists celebrate lunch victory
- EMS locals fight for pay parity
- Terror strikes, our members respond
- “Latino Americans”: a history of activism
- Members mourn deceased activist
- Activists spread the union message
Everyday Heroes
- Superstorm commemorated
- South Koreans visit union
- Crossing Guards honored
- Union college grad credits DC 37
- Local 983 member will stay in the US
PEP photos by Clarence Elie-Rivera, unless otherwise indicated.