2020 News Releases
April 01, 2020
‘Tiger King’ Creators Release 2020 Census PSA Featuring John Leguizamo
New bilingual PSA urges people to fill out their 2020 Census online.
Two of the creators of the hit Netflix documentary series ‘Tiger King’, co-director Rebecca Chaiklin and Oscar-winning executive producer Fisher Stevens, released a public service announcement featuring actor and comedian John Leguizamo urging everyone to fill out the 2020 Census. The PSA, ‘We All Count’ was made in partnership with AFSCME District Council 37 and We Stand United.
The English version of the PSA is available here:
The Spanish version of the PSA is available here:
The humorous video features Leguizamo explaining the importance of participating, likening the census to getting an accurate head count for a party. He notes that the Census is confidential and urges everyone to fill out the census at my2020census.gov as soon as they receive their Census postcard in the mail.
Rebecca Chaiklin of We Stand United said, “We made this PSA because it’s important that everyone takes part in the census so that communities get the school funding, health care, and representation they deserve. With the Census online for the first time this year, it’s easy to take part. Unfortunately, there’s also fear in many communities, so it’s critical everyone knows the Census is confidential and safe to fill out.”
Henry Garrido, Executive Director of AFSCME District Council 37, said, “Our union members provide the services that make New York City the greatest city in the world. Getting a complete and accurate count is important in ensuring our school, healthcare and social service workers continue to serve all New Yorkers. It’s vitally important that working people stand together, fill out the census, and say, “We all count!”. And we’re proud to partner with a NY icon, John Leguizamo and with We Stand United to share this message.”
In addition to allowing participants to fill out the census online, the Census Bureau has launched a response rate map, which shows participation nationally, by state and by online responses vs. over the phone/mail: 2020census.gov/en/response-rates
About AFSCME District Council 37:
Henry Garrido is the Executive Director of AFSCME DC 37, New York City’s largest municipal union, representing over 150,000 public and private sector workers and 50,000 retirees.
About We Stand United
We Stand United is an organization of award-winning artists, activists, political strategists and communications experts working together to protect our democracy and to advance social, economic, and environmental justice across the United States.
District Council 37 is New York City's largest public employee union, with 125,000 members and 50,000 retirees.