About Us
The Retirees Association of DC 37
- https://www.dc37retireesassociation.org/. Please visit the DC 37 Retirees new website for alternate contact information and updates on DC 37 Health & Benefit services.
World Trade Center Health Program
- Letter to DC 37 Retirees about the WTC Health Program (PDF)
- WTC Health Program Nationwide Provider Network (PDF)
Please click below to download and print the Retirees Association application form.
DC 37 Retirees Association Newsletter
The Retirees Association is open to all retired municipal employees who worked in the jurisdiction of DC 37 at any time in their careers, or who draw benefits from DC 37 Funds, and their spouses/domestic partners.
The Association works for legislative, political and social campaigns to defend and improve health insurance, social security, pensions and Medicare. It funds recreational and learning activities for eligible retirees.
Ann Widger
Deputy Administrator
Terri Brady
Telephone: (212) 815-1781
E-mail: dc37retirees@afscme.org
Website: www.dc37retireesassociation.org
Address: 75 Maiden Lane, Fifth Floor,
New York, NY 10038.
Ann Widger
Deputy Administrator
Terri Brady
Telephone: (212) 815-1781
E-mail: dc37retirees@afscme.org
Website: www.dc37retireesassociation.org
Address: 75 Maiden Lane, Fifth Floor,
New York, NY 10038.