Michael L. DeMarco
President, Local 1455

President, Local 1455
“I am honored to serve our great union and advance the rights and protections of all public sector employees,” DeMarco said. “DC 37’s executive board is united in its efforts to organize members and their livelihoods and hard-won union benefits. DC 37 leaders work tirelessly in this post-Janus era to fight any attempts at union-busting and privatizing public services that our members provide.”
In his 19 years as a DC 37 Executive Board member, Mike De Marco chairs the union’s Education Fund Trust, the Credentials Committee and the Italian Heritage Committee. He co-chairs DC37’s DOT Equipment Committee, and is on the union’s Pension Committee. De Marco is DC 37’s representative on the AFSCME Transportation Committee. He also was recently appointed to serve on AFSCME’s Judicial Committee and serves on the AFSCME’s Appeals Committee and Election Committee.
DeMarco and Local 1455 generously support the union’s Help Our Own Fund and Holiday Giving programs.