Olivia Duong
President, Local 3778

President, Local 3778
Local 3778 represents about 300 members at NYPD in the titles of administrative architect, assistant architect, architect, administrative project manager, associate project manager, assistant chemical engineer, criminalist, graphic artist, mechanical engineer, operations communication specialist, principal title examiner, research scientist, space analyst, and supervisor of mechanical installation maintenance.
Olivia began her scientific career as an analytical chemist and moved into the nutraceutical field before entering forensic science. She is a first generation Chinese-American and a second-generation union member.
“I grew up with the profound experience that unions are the reason why families like mine could succeed,” Duong said. “My father worked over 30 years and was able to provide a family of three with quality health care and college educations. Because of the union, he knew he would be defended when employers made unreasonable demands. Because of the union, my father was able to retire with dignity.”
Duong is a true activist and advocate for labor, and workers’ and women’s rights. “The past two years have shown that when our nation is in crisis, members look to the union for leadership. As younger members enter the workforce, they are learning that there is power in solidarity,” she said.