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Public Employee Press: PEP Talk


Local 3778 elects Next Wave activist as president

New York City Police Department Technical Professional Employees Local 3778 unanimously elected Donique Berry president, new executive board members, and delegates in August. The local represents about 300 NYPD Crime Lab scientists, engineers, architects, criminalists, and graphic artists. DC 37 Hospitals and Healthcare Professionals Division Grievance Rep Samantha Rappa-Giovagnoli swore in the team led by Berry, 23, who is a Next Wave activist and the youngest local president in DC 37. Pictured from left: Second Vice President Tasha Johnson, Recording Secretary Brianna Bell, Trustee Adeena Emery, Executive Board Member Michael Crowe, and Berry. Not pictured: Vice President Bernardine Lopez; Secretary-Treasurer and executive board member Daniel Santamaria Outeiral; Ashley Kupstow, executive board member; trustees Darina Pohl and Stephen Byrne, and delegates Caitlin Cunningham and Olivia Duong.