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DC 37 announces partnership with Medgar Evers College

DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido, right, with Medgar Evers College President Rudy Crew at the Jan. 19 announcement of DC 37’s joint program with the college to provide training courses for current and future DC 37 members.

With 100,000 workers getting ready to retire from the municipal workforce in the coming years, District Council 37 is planning on offering courses to train the next generation of city employees who will take their place.

DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido announced that the union will be collaborating with Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn to offer courses to retrain the next generation of city employees.

Garrido and Dr. Rudy Crew, the president of Medgar Evers College, announced the partnership on Jan. 19 at the City University of New York campus in Crown Heights.

“Unions have played such an important part in building communities like Crown Heights,” said Crew. “Together with DC 37, we can continue to build on that tradition.”

Garrido wanted to partner with the Brooklyn school because 42 percent of the union’s members live in the borough.

“The members who live in the outer boroughs were having trouble coming into Manhattan for classes,” Garrido said.

The new DC 37 Leadership Preparedness Program will begin in the fall semester.

Medgar Evers College, the youngest of the CUNY schools, will offer information sessions for interested students. The college will hold an open house on May 7 at its Brooklyn campus.

In addition to enrolling in courses to earn credits towards a four-year degree, DC 37 members will also be able to register for continuing education classes and for classes that offer certification required in their specific job title.