Public Employee Press: PEP Talk
Buyer beware!
Many of our out-of-state retirees, along with some retirees who reside in New York State, purchase various types of supplemental insurance or discount plans for such things as optical, dental, legal, and home care. We understand why you may purchase such coverage, but we must strongly advise you that neither DC 37 nor the DC 37 Retirees Association endorses or promotes any vendor that issues such policies. In other words, BUYER BEWARE. Please be careful what you purchase and read the terms and conditions of such policies — and understand them.
DC 37 is committed to improving the dental benefits for retirees in all areas and hopes to have these in place on a timely basis.
If you are taking care of a retiree or have someone in your family who could be a target, PLEASE make them aware of this situation, whether or not they are a DC 37 retiree.