DC 37 Citizenship Committee

Juan Fernandez
Local 154, Chair
Meetings scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month.
Mission Statement
According to the Mayor’s Office of Immigrants Affairs, the City of New York is a city of immigrants, where one third of the city’s 7.3 million residents are foreign-born and another 15% are children of foreign-born parents. Therefore, the DC 37 Citizenship Committee will promote the interests and needs of all of our fifty-six local union members. We lend our support to immigrant causes and promote equality of opportunity in education, employment, housing, economic development, health and social welfare. Our activities include fundraising and visits to historical sites. The committee will rely on volunteers and professional staff to define and achieve its goals and objectives. It is our mission to:
Speak out for members and other New Yorkers who face barriers to full participation in the social, political and economic life of the society.
Help individual families and communities gain stability and self-reliance.
Participate in and work with religious and other ethnic and community-based organizations dealing with issues that affect immigrants.
Encourage members to participate in the social and cultural life in the city.
Advise legislators, assemblypersons and council members on immigration-related issues. Analyze Federal and State legislation dealing with immigrants and act upon it. Act as a liaison between immigrant communities and city agencies.
Provide information and referrals to our members.
Invite prominent figures in various fields to speak to our members.